+49 (0) 211 - 617 08 - 0

A ring-shaped connection of the medium voltage network of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf provides the own transformer equipment in data centres and in the event of failure of a power connection also ensures the power supply through the network of the energy provider. Should there still be a power supply failure, the preheated diesel generators become active immediately and update the battery-backed uninterruptible power supply existing in each RZ range - so that power of the infrastructure of our customers is guaranteed at all times. By an in-house storage of diesel fuel and supply contracts long-term power failures can be tackled without causing interruptions of data centre power supply.

All infrastructure systems such as air conditioning, power supply systems and security systems are monitored and controlled by a building control system. A second, independent system also checks all relevant parameters and immediately informs our technicians and service providers in the event of a fault.

Ring-shaped connection to the 10kV network

A ring-shaped connection of the medium voltage network of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf provides the own transformer facilities of data centres

Up to 10 kW power connection

The data centre surfaces will receive up to 10 kW power cable per square meter. This equips the data centre with sufficient power.

UPS and power supply replacement equipment

If there is a power outage, our ups and power supply replacement equipment kick in and provide the data centres - in the event of disconnection - with continued power.

Fuel supply during extended outages

The UPS and power supply replacement equipment ensure a sufficient supply of diesel fuel to continue to deliver power in major outages of the energy provider..

Double performance of the supply lines

The cables of the power supply are duplicated, so also if damaged they can still provide data centres with energy.

24/7 monitoring of the infrastructure

The complete power supply is monitored around the clock. Should there be problems, the appropriate technician will be notified immediately.

In accordance with Directive 2006/112/EC as amended, the final prices for private customers within the EU may vary depending on the country of residence, as the country-specific VAT of the respective country of residence is applied. The prices stated in the offers include VAT for the Federal Republic of Germany (currently 19%). If the place of residence is outside Germany, the VAT of the respective country of residence will be adjusted accordingly on the invoice. For customers outside the EU, the prices quoted are net, excluding VAT.