+49 (0) 211 - 617 08 - 0

All myLoc managed IT data centres are accessible by direct and redundant fibre optic connections. A large number of carriers is already represented in the data centres. Connections within and between the individual data centres be switched rapidly and flexibly in the context of Crossconnects at transparent prices. Here, connections of all kinds can be realised by optic-based CAT 6 copper-based single - and multimode cabling systems fibre.

When connecting customers to the Internet, myLoc managed IT relies on your own backbone network with direct connections to important European exchange point and carrier.

Redundant fibre-optic cabling

The data centers are connected to each other via redundant channels so that accessibility can always be guaranteed.

Crossconnects between data centres

The data centres can be connected both between and among themselves through Crossconnects at transparent prices.

Own backbone with 3570 GBits

MyLoc managed IT AG operates its own IP network with multiple fibre optic links connecting the hubs in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Amsterdam.

DE-CIX Certified DirectCLOUD ISP

myLoc managed IT is a certified DE-CIX DirectCLOUD partner. As a DE-CIX DirectCLOUD certified ISP, we can connect you to more than 30 different clouds easily, securely and cost-effectively. So you can connect easily and conveniently with your cloud environments such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and several regional cloud service providers. This DDoS protected VLAN Layer2 connection has a guaranteed packet path (e.g., for territorial routing) and a defined latency.

More advantages: 

  • a single connection to numerous clouds with constant growth in offerings
  • independent of the internet, therefore DDoS protected
  • the whereabouts of data in Germany depending on the selected cloud can be guaranteed
  • transparent package run (s) - ideally suited for redundant connections
  • economical

If you have any questions regarding our DirectCLOUD offering, please contact our sales department

The main carrier for the data centre in Düsseldorf


All reputable and relevant carriers are represented in myLoc managed IT AG data centres. You decide on which network provider will handle your traffic. You can always decide on the carrier, which is best for your specific needs in the respective business situation. On request we can also support you here.

The own backbone of the data centres


MyLoc managed IT operates its own IP network with multiple fibre optic links connecting the hubs in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. A highly available access to all major carriers and exchange points is achieved by redundant routers and fibre optic connections. Peering agreements with major ISPs provide a fast connection.

State of the art hardware from HPE and Brocade ensures highest data throughput with low latency and packet loss. The entire network is monitored around the clock by the network operation centre of myLoc managed IT.

  • Redundantly the backbone with 3570 Gigabit/s external connectivity
  • Connection to all major carriers and points of Exchange
  • 24/7 monitoring of the network through its own NOC

Carrier Liste

Carrier Map

150 GBit/s DE-CIX Frankfurt
200 GBit/s DE-CIX Düsseldorf
10 GBit/s ECIX Düsseldorf
100 GBit/s AMS-IX Amsterdam
10 GBit/s SPEED-IX Amsterdam
10 GBit/s DE-CIX München
10 GBit/s DE-CIX Hamburg
100 GBit/s INTERIX Amsterdam
100 GBit/s ERAIX Amsterdam
20 GBit/s MINAP
10 GBit/s MIX
10 GBit/s BCIX

330 Gbit/s Lumen
330 Gbit/s Deutsche Telekom
210 GBit/s GTT

10 GBit/s Amarutu Koddos
130 GBit/s Amazon
10 GBit/s CDN77
10 GBit/s Cloudflare
10 GBit/s combahton
20 GBit/s Deutsche Glasfaser
10 GBit/s Enaxim
200 GBit/s Facebook
10 GBit/s Fiord
10 GBit/s Freifunk Rheinland
100 GBit/s Global Layer
100 GBit/s globalconnect
100 GBit/s Globe Datacenter BV
180 GBit/s Google
200 GBit/s Hetzner
10 GBit/s IONOS
10 GBit/s ip projects
10 GBit/s IP Volume
10 GBit/s Leaseweb
30 GBit/s LWLcom
10 GBit/s Meerfarbig
200 GBit/s Microsoft
10 GBit/s Netcologne
10 GBit/s Nforce
100 GBit/s Novoserv
100 GBit/s Scaleway
100 GBit/s OVH
10 GBit/s Philunet
10 GBit/s Rascom
100 GBit/s rcs & rcd
20 GBit/s Telefonica
10 GBit/s Versatel
100 GBit/s Vodafone
20 GBit/s Worldstream

In accordance with Directive 2006/112/EC as amended, the final prices for private customers within the EU may vary depending on the country of residence, as the country-specific VAT of the respective country of residence is applied. The prices stated in the offers include VAT for the Federal Republic of Germany (currently 19%). If the place of residence is outside Germany, the VAT of the respective country of residence will be adjusted accordingly on the invoice. For customers outside the EU, the prices quoted are net, excluding VAT.